
Education & Academic Positions




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Doctor of Philosophy in International Studies, Institut québécois des hautes études

internationales, Université Laval, Québec (2004-2009)


Dissertation: Transboundary Local Water Supplies of Freshwater Between Canada and the United States: Reconsidering the Concept of Water Transfers (Approvisionnements transfrontaliers locaux en eau potable entre le Canada et les États-Unis : reconsidérations sur le thème de transfert d'eau)


Committee members: Dr. Frédéric Lasserre (Supervisor, U. Laval), Dr. Richard Ouellet (Co-Supervisor, U. Laval), Dr. Guy Mercier (U. Laval), Dr. Paule Halley (U. Laval) and Dr. Karen Bakker (UBC)


Master of Science in Geography , Université de Montréal (2002-2004)


Dissertation: Continentalization and Regional Economy: The Case of North America, Dr. Claude Manzagol (Supervisor)


Bachelor of Science in International Studies, Université de Montréal (1999-2002)

International academic exchange at Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium (Winter 2001)



positions held


Visiting Post-Doctoral Fellowship


McGill University, Department of Natural Resources Sciences



Post-Doctoral Fellowship


McGill University,  Department of Geography (2009-2011)





Dartmouth College, The John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding (2008-2009)


Visiting Scholar


Dartmouth College, Department of Geography (Winter & Spring semesters 2008)

Simon Fraser University, Department of Geography (Fall 2005)




McGill Institute for the study of Canada (Winter 2010)

Course taught: CANS 301 Canadian Water Policy & Beyond.


Dartmouth College, Department of Geography (2008-2009)

Course taught: GEOG 014 Global Water Resources.



Research Assistantships


Université Laval, Department of Geography. Co-coordinator of  a book edited by Klein, Juan-Luis and Frédéric Lasserre, 2006, Le monde dans tous ses États: Une approche géographique. Montréal, Presses de l'Université du Québec (2005)


Université Laval, Department of Geography: "Geopolitical Representations in Water-Related Disputes" under the supervision of Frédéric Lasserre (2004)


Université de Montréal, Department of Geography: "Eau de discorde. Les aménagements hydroélectriques et la question autochtone au Québec" (Hydroelectricity and Natives in Québec), under the supervision of Professor Emeritus Claude Manzagol (2002)



Teaching Assistantships

Simon Fraser University, Department of Geography: GEOG 100 Human Geography (2005)

Université de Montréal, Department of Geography:  GÉO1222: World Systems, GÉO2412: Canada, and GÉO1212 : Spatial Organization (2002-2004)